How The Adoption Process Builds Grit – And Community

How The Adoption Process Builds Grit – And Community

All entrepreneurs can learn impactful lessons about persistence by looking at the adoption process. Alice Callahan, who stars as Stephanie on Bravo’s Odd Mom Out (season two premieres on June 20), had recently completed an adoption, along with her husband, Kyser Thompson. She says that the adoption decision is life-changing enough, but the actual procedure will try the toughest of souls: mountains of paperwork to complete, and numerous background checks to endure. The only game plan: roll up your sleeves and start chipping away at the red tape; pace yourself, always keeping your eyes on the prize (who, in this case, turns out to be Timothy). The bottom line: stay the course -- don’t stop.

In addition to paperwork, financial demands present an entirely new set of hurdles; legal fees can be very costly. However, like entrepreneurs often discover, there are many grants, financial aid programs, and fundraising opportunities that can help make the impossible possible. In particular, Alice recommends AdoptTogether, a non-profit crowdfunding platform that allows individuals or couples to set up pages to invite tax-deductible donations toward their adoption goals.

Alice’s experience has led her to become an entrepreneur herself. She co-founded The Mother’s Day Fund, which helps “give the gift of motherhood” by raising money to help women in vulnerable circumstances who lack basic resources -- like food and shelter -- to care for their children. The funding also helps cover costs for women who want to become mothers through adoption. The support network consists of families, investors and organizations that believe in the power and purpose of motherhood.

Alice says that adopting a child may not change the world, but for that child, the world will change.

Find out more about AdoptTogether, The Mothers Day Fund, and Odd Mom Out.

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